My goal as a professional licensed massage therapist is to work with you through the use of massage therapy techniques in order to relieve pain and reduce stress; thereby improving your quality of life. Someone once asked me why I chose massage therapy. My why is best expressed in this comment I received from a client: “1st day I haven’t woke up with a headache in 3 weeks.” Pain is exhausting and it can be debilitating. I consider it a blessing to be able to work with someone through the use of massage therapy techniques and help their body free itself from pain.
I am licensed in the State of Wisconsin (15049-146), hold Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB), and am an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). I graduated from Professional Hair Design Academy (PHD) in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in 2017, where I completed 630 hours of massage therapy course work.
I grew up in Fall Creek, Wisconsin and after attending college in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, I had a longing to see other areas of the country. I lived in Orange County, California and Denver, Colorado before returning “home” in 2004. I currently live in Eau Claire with my son, our dog and our two cats. I love being a mom and the hustle and bustle of school and sports keeps us on the go. In our spare time, my son and I enjoy a wide variety of activities ranging from downtime at home and backyard bonfires to yoga to exploring the outdoors through hiking, biking and snowshoeing.
I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.